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Clients and Carers



New client sailors need to contact our mebership secretary ( before completing an application form and remitting fees. Our membership secretary will then be able to give you the go-ahead to join if we have enough volunteers to cater for your needs.


You will need to complete the following:
   1. a Client Sailor Membership Application Form (download here)
   2. an Indemnity Form (download here)


Annual Client Sailor Fee - $40
This covers:

  • Season membership of Sailability NSW for insurance

  • Season membership of Sailability Toronto Branch

  • Boat allocation for client sailors

The fee is payable by cash, cheque or direct deposit


Carer Responsibilities
Carers are responsible for the supervision and toileting of their charges for the whole time of their attendance at Sailability Toronto.  Carers must remain on site while the sailor is on site or sailing.  Undercover seating is provided, but the Club premises beyond the seating area is out of bounds to sailors and carers and carers are to follow our COVID Safe Plan and practice social distancing at all times.


Carers are required to:-

  1. Ensure the Client Sailor has a completed membership & indemnity form and fees are paid. Sign and complete the attendance register, ensuring the Client Sailor has their temperature taken and collect their Abilities Card.

  2. Advise our on-shore volunteers of Client Sailors needing assistance or the use of slings/winch, mobility or behavioural problems, if any

  3. Assist with lifejackets and ensuring the Client Sailor is ready for the day with protective clothing and sunscreen

  4. Supervise their client(s) entering and exiting boats, and providing reassurance through your presence. Please do not leave this to the volunteers, who may not have the specific training or experience needed for your client/s particular needs

  5. Ensure each client sailor has their Abilities Card listing any relevant information regarding their disability, mobility, communication level, health and/or behaviour, etc to hand to the Volunteer before entering the boat.


Attendance Register
Client sailors and carers on site or on the adjacent jetty or waters of Lake Macquarie must sign the Attendance Register, or, if unable, have it signed on their behalf by their parent, guardian or carer and sign off when leaving.  This is essential for insurance purposes. This is essential for insurance purposes.


Working With Children
All our volunteer members have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC)


Weight & Size Restrictions
Due to safety requirements with our lifting equipment, we have a maximum sailor weight limit of 120kgs.  Similarly, there may be restrictions where it is deemed a person’s size could impede the safe handling of the boats.


Protective Clothing
On sailing day/s, members must be adequately clothed for sun and weather protection, with soft-soled shoes (not thongs) and a hat.  Under our COVID Safe Plan, both Volunteers & Client Sailors are to arrive ready to sail with sunscreen on as this can no longer be provided on site.  Toilets are available but showers are not.


Sailing may occasionally be cancelled due to weather conditions.  If this occurs a recorded message will be left before 8.00am on Mobile 0490 940 649.  Please note that you cannot leave a message on this phone but if you are running late you need to advise us. 

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